Eleven free online tools to visualize data

Do you need to create charts, infographics, or a data story? Need a tool to succeed in that task? In this list below you find my personal list of eleven online and free tools to achieve your goal.

Unpaid domestic work consumes twice as much time for women than men

Regardless of whether women have a job outside home, they dedicate 37 hours a week to these tasks versus 16 for men. Married and rural women have more strenuous hours. Unpaid work at home includes cooking, cleaning, washing, caring for children, the elderly, and the sick. Activities without which the country’s economy would not function.

2020: The great year of Data and Visual Journalism to explain the pandemic

The fundamental impact of data visualization was to help us understand and give us useful answers in the midst of the great uncertainty of the pandemic. Hand in hand with visual and data journalists, we have been decoding what Covid-19 is about and how we can learn to live with it. It served to educate us, assimilate epidemiological terms and speak of them properly. It has served to take care of us.

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